Emily Andes
Since joining Bushel Boy Farms, Emily Andes has made a lasting impact on the Midwest’s leading year-round greenhouse grower.
Using her experience growing up on a farm, agronomy studies and passion for agricultural technology, Emily spearheaded one of the most notable business initiatives in the company’s three-plus decade history — the 2021 launch of strawberries, Bushel Boy’s first non-tomato crop. This innovation pioneered the research and development for additional crops — cucumbers (2022) and mini sweet peppers (2024) — and enabled Bushel Boy to diversify revenue streams, steer profitability and expand. She also helped increase the number of tomato varieties grown from three to now more than a dozen.
Emily’s implementation of data and technology into operations has positioned Bushel Boy as an industry thought leader and regional ‘future of food’ trailblazer. As widespread disease hit global tomato crops in recent years, Emily shifted her work to bio-security and analyzed crop data to reduce the virus’ impact on Bushel Boy’s tomatoes; her research identified infection-resistant tomato varieties and improved the Mason City, Iowa facility’s infection rate from 63% to 16%. She led collaboration with technology company IUNU to develop the industry’s most-advanced, AI-powered system for monitoring crops and collecting and analyzing data, rolling out this year. In addition, her leadership saved significant energy costs; Bushel Boy recently installed new LED lighting that produces 12% to 15% more crop yield and light management filters that allow more natural light into the greenhouses.
Her leadership style is hands-on, directly working and engaging with members of the growing team; she credits this approach for her knowledge, curiosity and problem-solving skills, with no job too big for Bushel Boy staffer. She volunteers at community meal program nonprofit Loaves & Fishes and is heavily involved in Bushel Boy’s initiatives with Monarch Joint Venture to conserve monarch butterfly migration.