Meet Kristin Zeit, CEAg World’s New Content Lead

It’s a fascinating time to dive headfirst into the universe of controlled environment agriculture (CEA). There’s no denying the need for, and promise of, alternative ways to grow fresh produce in today’s world. While challenges abound, the possibilities and opportunities for growing food under cover are rapidly expanding—and CEA is already making an indelible mark on global food production.

I’ve been a business journalist for nearly 25 years and an enthusiastic eater and cook for just as long. (“Food is merely fuel” people baffle me.) Like so many others, I read Michael Pollan’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” when it came out in 2007 and it permanently changed the way I grocery-shop and read food labels. Since then, I’ve kept an eye on the agriculture industry to stay apprised of where my food comes from and how it’s produced.

So when Meister Media—a veteran publisher on a mission to empower global agriculture to grow a better world—offered me the chance to become CEAg World’s content lead, I couldn’t say no. There are so many interesting angles to explore. Greenhouses, urban farming, aquaponics, protected crops. Research on production methods, technology innovations, sustainability initiatives. Financing and business expansion, operations, and marketing. And lots of informed perspectives and case studies.

Building a Community

Through the conversations I’ve already had with growers and thought leaders in CEA, it’s clear that this industry is a community. As we expand our coverage, roll out new offerings and connection points, and grow the CEAg World Conference and Expo, our hope is that CEAg World will be the gathering space for the community to explore its myriad facets.

What do you need to know to help you build your CEA business? What are your biggest challenges? What promising innovations are you seeing? As I take on this thrilling new post, my virtual door is open. I’d love to hear from you, talk to you, and maybe even meet you in person. Drop me a line anytime at