Upcoming: University of Arizona Short Course to Focus on Sustainability

March 26 – 28, the University of Arizona will host its 24th annual CEA Short Course in Tucson, Ariz., and online via Zoom. With a theme of “Circular Controlled Environment Agriculture for Sustainability,” the three-day event aims to minimize waste and improve sustainability in CEA food production.

Day 1

During the first day, attendees will learn the fundamentals of hydroponics and growing under cover. This includes:

  • Choosing greenhouse and design options
  • Managing plant requirements for nutrients without soil
  • Monitoring environmental control to use resources efficiently.

Following all presentations and discussions, attendees will tour the Teaching & AdvanCEA Greenhouse.

Day 2

The second day will focus on circularity in CEA, covering the different opportunities for minimizing waste. Following all presentations and discussions, attendees will tour the Mushroom Lab on-site and have the option to tour the MISAS & Mars Lunar Greenhouse.

Day 3

For the last day, researchers and professors will present on specialty crop production. Specific crops covered include strawberries, microgreens, and mushrooms. Once all presentations have ended, attendees will tour the Aquaponics Greenhouse and Vertical Farm on-site.

Know Before You Go

A wide range of industry professionals will attend the CEA Short Course, including business owners, entrepreneurs, researchers, growers, greenhouse engineers, and urban planners, offering unique networking opportunities. For more information on registration, accommodations, and to view the entire event schedule, go to: https://ceac.arizona.edu/events/cea-short-course