EFI Offers Resources to Keep Farmworkers Safe From Heat Illness

Now that Extreme Heat Awareness Month is underway, Equitable Food Initiative is offering resources and reminding agricultural employers and workers of the critical importance of heat safety and prevention of sun and heat illnesses. With record temperatures soaring nationwide and labor-intensive planting and harvesting activities peaking, safeguarding farmworkers’ health and safety is critical.

EFI has developed a toolkit with farmworkers that can be found at
equitablefood.org/sunprotection. This includes a video for workers that explains heat exhaustion
symptoms and preventable measures in Spanish, a tip sheet in both English and Spanish
and a round-up of other statistics and resources.

There are varying levels of heat protection regulations across the United States. Some
states, such as California, Colorado, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, have enacted comprehensive heat protection standards. However, many have not, leaving millions of farmworkers, many who are already disproportionately at risk, vulnerable to life-threatening heat illnesses and unhealthy working conditions.

“Education and voluntary compliance are vital when it comes to heat safety,” said
Alexandra Martinez, marketing associate for EFI. “Farmworkers are particularly vulnerable
to heat-related health risks and are 35 times more likely to die from heat-related causes
compared to other workers. We’re providing simple, executable step`s that can help save

Heat exposure contributes to up to 2,000 worker fatalities in the United States each year.
Additionally, up to 170,000 workers suffer heat stress-related injuries annually, with
workplace injuries increasing by 1% for every 1° Celsius rise in temperature. Failure to
implement simple heat safety measures also has a significant economic impact, costing
the U.S. economy nearly $100 billion annually.

EFI’s resources highlight several practical tips to help protect workers from extreme heat
dangers, covering key topics such as:

  1.  Hydration: Encourage workers to drink plenty of water before, during and after their
    shifts. Ensure access to cool (below 60° F), potable water.
  2. Rest Breaks: Schedule frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to
    allow workers to cool down.
  3. Protective Clothing: Advise workers to wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. Hats and sunglasses provide additional sun protection.
  4. Education: Train workers to recognize the signs of heat-related illnesses, such as
    heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and to act immediately by seeking shade, water
    and medical attention if necessary.

EFI remains committed to promoting safe and healthy working conditions across the
agricultural sector. By adopting comprehensive heat safety practices, employers can
protect their workers and enhance their reputation as employers of choice, fostering a
positive and productive work environment.

Learn more about EFI’s tools and resources and about how EFI certification can help your
company improve workplace heat safety strategies at equitablefood.org

About EFI

Equitable Food Initiative is a capacity-building and certification nonprofit that works to improve the lives of farmworkers and drive business performance by integrating worker voice and engagement throughout the supply chain. As a multistakeholder organization, EFI brings together growers, farmworkers, retailers and consumers to create assessment, training and organizational development programs that support continuous improvement and address the industry’s most pressing problems. For more information about Equitable Food Initiative, visit equitablefood.org.