2024 Global CEA Census Released, Highlighting Industry Opportunities and Obstacles

The 2024 Global CEA Census Report, a collaborative effort from CEAg World and Agritecture Consulting, has been released. The census offers insight from 450 industry professionals across 75 countries, reflecting a wide range of CEA practices and technologies across diverse climates and markets. The full report is available for download at www.ceagworld.com/agritecture-census/.

Growers shared their experiences, concerns, and priorities, specifically regarding technology adoption and innovation. This year’s census reflects strong optimism for growth in the industry, with 84% of respondents planning to expand their production areas within the next two years.

“The 2024 Global CEA Census is more than just numbers — it’s a roadmap for the future of farming,” said Henry Gordon-Smith, founder and CEO of Agritecture, which launched the Global CEA Census in 2019. “By uncovering industry trends and opportunities, we’re helping growers and innovators alike make smarter decisions, accelerate innovation, and drive agriculture toward a more resilient, climate-smart future.”

Among the findings:

  • Technology integration is uneven across regions. North America and Europe lead in advanced tech adoption such as automation, AI, and IoT, while MENA and Africa are more focused on improving energy efficiency and sustainability practices.
  • Renewable energy, particularly solar, is increasingly being integrated into CEA operations and is expected to grow further as more farms seek sustainable solutions.
  • The most significant barrier to tech adoption is cost, with participants across all regions ranking it as the top challenge.
  • Newer farms are growing a wider variety of crops than older operations. Microgreens, edible flowers, and specialty herbs are increasingly being cultivated alongside staple crops like tomatoes and lettuce.

For suppliers to the CEA industry, Gordon-Smith says, this year’s data highlights an untapped opportunity. “Small- to medium-sized CEA operators are eager to upgrade their tech but face unique challenges in cost and integration,” he says. “Suppliers that step up with affordable, tailored solutions stand to revolutionize how these farms grow, scale, and thrive.”